Bear used by permission of the Boyd's Collection
Welcome to Janimations


Come on in and sit for a while
I hope my creations will make you smile
Angels and bears and snow globes too
Are what I would like to share with you
As my knowledge of PSP continues to grow
I'll be adding more pages, 
just so you'll know
To come back often and visit my site
Please stop by any time day or night


You will find lots of animations, sparkle globes 
& snow globes including holidays...
Easter, Christmas, Valentine's Day, 4th of July,
Halloween and Thanksgiving .




I've added a couple of new Christmas animations, 
I hope you enjoy them.


One of my most popular angel animations is back on my site. 
You can find it on the first miscellaneous page. 



A special thank you to my good friend, Cappy.
Without him this site would not have been possible.


I am pleased to announce that some of my
animations are now being used at:



Feel free to take whatever you like
But be sure to link back to my site
Don't change any details, 
no matter how small
Then claim as your own & 
take credit for all.
Please read my terms of use before 
downloading any images.
Terms of use here


If you decide to use any of my images,
please put the link to my site 
on the same page
so others know where 
to find them. Thank you.


If you would like any images re-sized,
please notify me by e-mail.





We have had   Visitors so far




Time and temperature in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Special thanks to the Boyd's Collection 
for permission to use their adorable bears. 
I am not affiliated with Boyd's in any way. 
Not all bears depicted are part of the Boyd's Collection. 
Visit the cute & cuddly Boyd's bears & collectibles at:


Please do not copy images at top of page. 
Page created, designed & copyrighted by JanetŠ 2000 - 2020
This page was last updated on February 05, 2023.