Bear used by permission of the Boyd's Collection


Welcome to Our 
Miscellaneous Pages


Since it's such a beautiful day
We decided to come outside to play
Won't you join us in the sun
We want to welcome everyone










Miscellaneous Pages




Angel image is copyrighted to Penny Parker.


Please read my terms of use before 
downloading any images.
Terms of use here
If you would like any images re-sized,
please notify me by e-mail.





If you decide to use any of my images,
please put the link to my site 
on the same page
so others know where 
to find them. Thank you.


Special thanks to the Boyd's Collection 
for permission to use their adorable bears. 
I am not affiliated with Boyd's in any way. 
Not all bears depicted are part of the Boyd's Collection. 


Page created, designed & copyrighted by JanetŠ 2020 2030
This page was last updated on March 10, 2022.