Bears used by permission of the Boyd's Collection


Welcome to Our 
Bear Globes


Won't you join us for a cup of tea
We hope you enjoy what's here to see












This beautiful plate was given to me

by my very dearest friend:

Thank you Brenda!


Bear Globes Pages




Please read my terms of use

before downloading any images.

Terms of use here

If you would like any images re-sized,

please notify me by e-mail.

If you decide to use any of my images,

please put the link to my site

on the same page

so others know where

to find them. Thank you.



Any items marked with JH are my own personal creations.

Graphics used on these globe pages

can be found at the sites below:

Fantasy Inspirations

Jane's PSP Tubes

Joy's Site

Pansie's Pics






Special thanks to the Boyd's Collection

for permission to use their adorable bears.

I am not affiliated with Boyd's in any way.

Not all bears depicted are part of

the Boyd's Collection.



Page created & copyrighted by JanetŠ 2020

This page was last updated on March 10, 2022.